I'm Rose Chan Cute
- Artist
- Animator
- Venezuelan
- Possibly Voice actress in the future
- Creator of Yeri Marlers (future project)
- Catholic
- Collabs Open in DM
- 12+/15+ content (NO NSFW)

Call me Rose Chan Cute @Mar2011YT2

Female (She/Her)

Artist and Animator

I can not say it


Joined on 9/7/21

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5,592 / 5,880
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6.47 votes
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Mar2011YT2's News

Posted by Mar2011YT2 - December 17th, 2024

Well, since the year is almost over, I'm going to give an opinion about the year

For me personally, it was a good and bad year at the same time.


because well, I'm going to say this:

we start the good:

This year I have improved my drawing style much better, I watched series (few) and movies that I personally liked a lot like Deadpool and Wolverine, The Wild Robot, Inside Out 2, Aqua Teen Hunger Force (I know this is not from 2024, but I still put it on because I saw it this year, and personally I became a fan of it lol) and recently Wicked (and maybe Sonic 3 is also one of my favorites this year), and I met some new friends like @Tyhond, and from other social networks like Instagram or Please Please Please, etc..., Apt by Rosé and Bruno Mars, Mesmerizer, Yes and? of Ariana Grande, etc..., also this year I got into fandoms like Athf, Angry Birds, BlackPink (although I'm not a fan of K-pop xd), Ariana Grande, Deadpool, etc...)


I lost my old phone (although they recently gave me a new one)

I lost my old Tumblr account

They removed X here in Venezuela

and I also had family problems


But anyway, that was my opinion this year, I just hope that the next one is better or at least more decent than this one



Posted by Mar2011YT2 - October 6th, 2024

ENG: Guys, I want to let you know that...

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎂

ESP: Chicos, les quiero avisarles que....




Posted by Mar2011YT2 - August 6th, 2024

Español: Chamos, les aviso que hoy recientemente me ire a Colombia, no dire a que ciudad voy a ir, pero les dire que el viaje sera algo largo y tendremos que ir en autobus a diferencia de los 2 anteriores viajes que hido a Colombia en donde tuvimos que ir en Avión, deesenme suerte

English: Guys, I warn you that today I will recently go to Colombia, I will not say which city I am going to go to, but I will tell you that the trip will be somewhat long and we will have to go by bus unlike the 2 previous trips I made to Colombia where we had I have to go by plane, give me luck👍



Posted by Mar2011YT2 - June 5th, 2024

In my case, if I'm not mistaken, I think it was Ben 10 or Miraculous (although I don't like the latter like before)


Posted by Mar2011YT2 - May 25th, 2024

Today I saw The Garfield Movie at the theaters, and what did I think? very good, although it will have some moments that did not convince me at all, but it was a very entertaining film (unfortunately I did not take photos today because my phone was damaged, but oh well, since)

rating: 8.9/10


Posted by Mar2011YT2 - May 24th, 2024

Guys, I'm telling you that tomorrow I'll probably see the Garfield movie in the theaters, be careful, I say probably, since I don't know if I'll be able to see it or not, but I hope I finally go see it.

When I finish watching it and get home I will tell my opinion about the movie.


Posted by Mar2011YT2 - May 18th, 2024


I finally reached 200 fans! thanks for all the support guys, that encourages me a lot uwu



Posted by Mar2011YT2 - May 12th, 2024

Español/Spanish: Chicos, les aviso que últimamente en estos días no he estado bien

veran, les explico:

el 4 de mayo de este año, empeze a tener mucha fiebre, se me fue la luz en la noche, no dormi ni un poquito en la noche, y de la nada me empezo a darme un horrible sabor de mi boca, provocando que no coma casi nada. y lo que más me afecto de esa enfermedad, fue el sabor amargado que he tenido en boca

pero poco a poco ya me estoy mejorando de mi fiebre, así que esperemos que en la próxima ya me cure y se me quite ese sabor de mierda!

English/Inglés: Guys, I warn you that lately these days I have not been well

You see, I explain to you:

On May 4 of this year, I started to have a high fever, my power went out at night, I didn't sleep even a little at night, and out of nowhere I started getting a horrible taste in my mouth, causing me to not eat almost nothing. and what affected me most about that illness was the bitter taste I had in my mouth.

but little by little I'm getting better from my fever, so let's hope that next time I'll be cured and that shitty taste will go away!


Posted by Mar2011YT2 - April 30th, 2024

In my case it was Teen Titans Go to the movies (although I don't like the series)


Posted by Mar2011YT2 - December 28th, 2023

